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Nuclides++ is powered by an embedded database derived from the NNDC NuDat 2.6 compilation for the display of atomic and nuclear data + emissions data + synthesized emissions spectra

Multiple Chart Formats:
● Karlsruhe and KAPL (GE) chart formats that display different nuclear properties and processes

Nuclear Data:
● Nuclides and Isomers - abundance and/or halfLife, mass, spin and parity, parents and progeny...
● Beta and Alpha particles; - parent nuclide or isomer, energy, and yield
● Gamma rays; - parent nuclide or isomer, energy, and yield, cascade coincidence information
● Prompt gamma-ray emissions (energies and yields) from 255 stable and long lived nuclides
● Fission yield data (thermal, fast, and 14 MeV; independent and cumulative) for the nuclides: U-233, U-235, U-238, Np-237, Pu-239, and Pu-240

Additional Resources:
● Summary decay schemes for A=1 to A=277
● Natural decay schemes for the Th-232, U-233, U-238, and U-235 decay chains
● Atomic X rays and elemental abundances

Included Tools:
● Synthetic spectra for emitted Alphas, Betas, and Gamma rays (Ge and NaI resolution)
● Nuclide Identification possibilities via a constrained database search based on observed gamma rays in a spectrum and some knowledge of the history of the spectrum. Useful items would include a minimum half life (estimated from the decay time), and possible modes of generation (nuclear reactor, accelerator, natural, etc.).
● Decay Calculator for simple and complex decay chains